Backcountry Packet
Backcountry Packet
List Price: $24.99
Price: $17.99
Savings: $7.00

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This packet is everthing you need to plan your backcountry trip
Comes complete with:

Bryce Canyon Auto and Hiking Guide

Complete guide to driving along the Bryce Canyon scenic 17 mile drive with detailed descriptions of each viewpoint,
hiking information, as well as general park information; history and photography tips.

Trails Illustrated Bryce Canyon Map #210
National Geographic - Bryce Canyon National Park Topographic Map
Revised Regularly - Waterproof - Tear Resistant
Enhanced 1:35,000 Scale - Trail Mileages
Day Hiking and Backcountry Trail Descriptions - Bryce Amphitheater Inset Map
GPS Compatible - Full UTM Grid

Day Hikes and Backbountry Trail Map

An illustrated map and guide to the day hiking and backcountry trails with flora and fauna identified.

Plus the Official Bryce Canyon National Park
Backcountry Brochure

Regular Price 20.99
Special Packet Price $17.99

- Don't forget to check the parks web page at www.nps.gov/brca and check in at the visitor center unpon arrival.

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