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Geology of Utah's Parks and Monuments - 4th EDITION
Geology of Utah's Parks and Monuments - 4th EDITION
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Geology of Utah's Parks and Monuments - 4th Edition - Coming back in print in March
Publication 28 Editors, Douglas Sprinkle, Thomas C. Chidsey Jr., Paul B. Anderson, Grant C. Willis

  • Hardback: 705 pages
  • Publisher: Bryce Canyon Association and Utah Geological Association;
    • 4rd Edition edition (October 1, 2024)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 188205410
  • ISBN-13: 9780998014289
  • Product Dimensions: 11.2 x 8.3 x 1.5 inches
For decades geologists have come to Utah to study its geology and to explore for a variety of geologic resources. Simply put UTAH has some of the most spectacular examples of classic geology found anywhere in the world. Some of the best of Utah Geology is showcased in its many national and state parks, monuments, and recreation areas. Place such as Arches, Bryce Canyon, Capitol Reef, Canyonlands, and Zion National Parks are well know for their grand geology and inspiring geologic vistas. But other parks such as Dinosaur, Goblin Valley, and Snow Canyon are equal in geologic majesty. This book highlights them all and so much more.

This fourth edition is a substantial revision as it is our desire to keep the volume geologically current and relevant. Nearly every article contains updated and new geologic information and stratigraphic nomenclature (formation names) that reflect significant published findings since 2010. Also, we have dropped some material to make way for two new chapters - Geology of Bears Ears National Monument, Utah, and Geology and Paleontology of Jurassic National Monument, Utah.

This book is used by geologists, teachers, students and visitors from around the world, making it the most popular publication of the Utah Geological Association.

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